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Old 12-11-04, 1:03 pm
RubberArm knows what he/she's talking aboutRubberArm knows what he/she's talking aboutRubberArm knows what he/she's talking aboutRubberArm knows what he/she's talking aboutRubberArm knows what he/she's talking aboutRubberArm knows what he/she's talking about
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Did you know Duchane lied in 2000?

Councilman Higgins,

When you voted to hire Steve Duchane as Lincoln Park's first City Manager, did you know that he had lied about his education as recently as 2000 when he applied for an ethics instructor position at Oakland University?

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Old 12-15-04, 11:37 pm
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Yes- I think we all did . That being said I think we all make mistakes and he has made a few. Belive me when I say I will keep an eye on everything he is doing at city hall. if I feel anything is not above board I will not be afraid to let evryone know.

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Old 12-16-04, 9:03 am
DonDiego has earned enough respect to be taken notice ofDonDiego has earned enough respect to be taken notice ofDonDiego has earned enough respect to be taken notice ofDonDiego has earned enough respect to be taken notice ofDonDiego has earned enough respect to be taken notice ofDonDiego has earned enough respect to be taken notice ofDonDiego has earned enough respect to be taken notice ofDonDiego has earned enough respect to be taken notice of
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This is Councilman Higgin's thread, but since he answered the question, I feel I must comment.

I believe we use the term "mistake" way too liberally in this day and age. It has become an excuse for deliberate acts. To me a "mistake" is when you are filling out a form and accidently check the wrong box. A "lie" is when you purposely give incorrect information on that form.

Not only did Mr Duchane claim in his interview with Sterling Heights that he had a degree, he repeated it for years. It even got to the point where he claimed to have a PhD. It was an out and out lie.

He has a history of directly lying regarding information about his background. He claimed to have played football at EMU when he never even when to the school.

There is more to this than "making a mistake" There is a deep psychological problem here. It is as if he is compelled to be untruthful. To constantly say things to make him appear better than he is. I am not a psychologist, but I have to believe he is suffering from an inferiority complex. With all that he has accomplished with his life he still has the need to make himself appear to be more than he is.

If I were on the council, everytime I had a conversation with this man, I would have to wonder if he was completely honest with me. This is not good when dealing with someone in a position of trust.

From the different psychology courses I have taken and the books I have read, I do not believe Mr Duchane can help himself when it comes to being untruthful. Especially when it comes to information regarding himself.

amonestar la yocorazo

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Old 12-16-04, 11:26 am
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Sometimes a simple lie becomes a truth in the liers mind.

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Old 12-16-04, 11:44 am
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Mr. Higgins, I beleive you when you say you will look out for the City first and if you see any wrong doing on Mr. Duchanes part. however please don't take this the wrong way, but quite frankly you are out of your league!! You are new to politics, and I think you are getting better, but have a lot to learn yet, a few more terms on coucil and you'll be an old pro, but Mr. Duchane is a real pro, and knows all the ins and outs and can turn things around on you rather quickly, especially when working in conjuction with his 3 amiegos Brown, Vaslo, Kandes, so my recomendation to you would be to watch your back!!! Keep notes dates and times anytime you have dealings any of them, even keeping a small tape recorder in your pocket for your own protection might be wise.

I hope that Mr. Duchane has learned his lesson, and maybe he will turn LP around, reguardless of his antics in SH, you have to be blind to not see that he left that City in far better shape than LP is, which is why I still have some hope he will do it here, but until then if I were you I would watch my back.


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Old 12-16-04, 11:48 am
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There are clincial words for that and it's called Pathological Liars or pseudologia fantastica.

Here are some links about Pathological Liars:

There is a reason why you are asked in court to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. It is because most of the time that is not what people do. Everyone lies sometime. There are many reasons to lie. Sometimes it is to not hurt someone's feelings. Sometimes a lie is for our own advantage. Some people lie in conducting business and in their personal lives. Most adults are aware of when they lie.

Young children sometimes have problems telling fantasy from reality. When a 3-year-old insists that he flew to Mars this morning, he may not be lying on purpose. He may not even be aware that it is a lie. Children with good imaginations often take longer to learn what a lie really is. It is important to work with children to teach them about fantasy and reality, instead of punishing them for these kinds of beliefs.

A pathological liar believes in the lies, at least at the time that she or he is talking. Their stories tend to be very dramatic. They often portray the person as being smarter, braver, more attractive, or more interesting than she or he really is. Sometimes people begin to catch onto pathological liars because of obvious flaws in the stories. A fairly young man will describe his heroics in the Vietnam war. A homely woman will talk about all the men who fell instantly in love with her. Sometimes the flaws may be more subtle and it may take a knowledgeable person to find them. Often it happens that a pathological liar will be caught out at a party by someone who really was a pilot, really lived in Africa, or really was a fashion model.

Suspect a pathological liar if:
  • the stories seem too dramatic or unrealistic
  • the lies seem to serve no purpose except to impress people or
  • the lies can easily be shown up



What is a pathological liar? A deliberate liar knows he is lying. A pathological liar may not.

Although there is no precise definition, certainly none defined by the holiest of holies, the DSM-IV, we can state with certainty that it is a person who tells lies incessantly. We can eliminate those who tell lies in order to avoid extreme persecution. But those who consistently tell lies, whether faced with punishment or not, may be considered pathological. We must keep in mind that "pathological" simply means abnormal, or grossly atypical...who among us has not told a lie? At what point does such behavior become "pathological"?

In addition to the difficultly of distinguishing between the liar and the pathological liar, we must also isolate this mental disturbance. Lying is a characteristic of several other disorders as well, such as conduct disorder (CD) and antisocial personality disorder (APD). CD, like many reports of pathological lying, typically has its onset during adolescence. Other behaviors may include inappropriate aggression, destruction, and serious violations of rules and laws. And, as suggested by some doctors, both pathological lying and CD may be caused by, shall we say, challenging situations in the home. Or by a lack of seratonin, in which case Prozac or Zoloft may help. Along with, of course, expensive sessions of psychotherapy.

Links related to pathological lying:
Osric University's selection of case studies. NEW!
Internet Mental Health's description of Antisocial Personality Disorder.
An extreme cases, Pseudologia Fantastica, written up by Charles V. Ford, M.D.
If you know of any other interesting sites that discuss pathological lying, please let me know. Lying can often be to our advantage. And a really good lie is worth twenty shallow truths any day. And the best lies, of course, are the ones that the liars themselves believe. Is it possible that we can induce pathological lying in ourselves, or test subjects, by inhibiting our production of seratonin? Could we do this without increasing overall aggressive behavior?

Here are some links about Pseudologia Fantastica:

Department of Psychiatry, UCLA Neuropsychiatric Institute and Hospital.

Pseudologia fantastica has not been reviewed in the English literature in over 50 years, but the term is still used, for example, among the diagnostic criteria for the Munchausen syndrome. Based upon a review of 72 cases of pseudologia fantastica collected from 26 reports since its initial description in 1891, pseudologia is distinguished from other types of lying.

Pseudologia fantastica is typified by these characteristics:
(1) the stories are not entirely improbable and are often built upon a matrix of truth;
(2) the stories are enduring;
(3) the stories are not told for personal profit per se and have a self-aggrandizing quality; and
(4) they are distinct from delusions in that the person when confronted with facts can acknowledge these falsehoods. The authors compile phenomenological data about "the pseudolouge", who is represented equally males and females. Intelligence varies, but at least 40% have evidence of central nervous system dysfunction. The authors suggest that disease simulation, peregrination, and imposture are secondary behavioral manifestations of pseudologia, which is deserving of additional study.

* Snyder S.
1986 Am J Psychiatry - Pseudologia fantastica in the borderline patient.
"An infrequently described clinical feature sometimes associated with borderline personality disorder is pseudologia fantastica, or pathological lying"

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Old 12-16-04, 7:40 pm
RubberArm knows what he/she's talking aboutRubberArm knows what he/she's talking aboutRubberArm knows what he/she's talking aboutRubberArm knows what he/she's talking aboutRubberArm knows what he/she's talking aboutRubberArm knows what he/she's talking about
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Thanks for responding, Councilman Higgins.

I have to agree with DonDiego that a mistake is something done unintentionally. I realize you may see it as an unintential lapse in judgement, but Duchane's history and demonstrated pattern shows that this lie was one in a long list.

Perhaps you could explain a bit further how you saw that lie as a mistake.

And then maybe you could explain the other lies as mistakes as well. Of course, I'm assuming that 1) you were aware of the other lies as well and that 2) you considered those lies "mistakes" also.

Thanks in advance.

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Old 12-16-04, 7:50 pm
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Councilman Higgins beware! once Duchane has no use for you. You will become a target. Councilman Higgins do you realize that his lies cost Sterling Heights taxpayers 31 million dollars? More than your city's entire budget? Also we are just now finding out by independent audits that Duchane has performed Enron tactics with our budget. Anyways you should know that Duchane runs his mouth down here that Lincoln Parkers are nothing more than a bunch of dumb hicks! he will also be taking the stand in the insurance trial of the damages and the insurance lawyers are licking their chops to do so.

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Old 12-16-04, 9:41 pm
RubberArm knows what he/she's talking aboutRubberArm knows what he/she's talking aboutRubberArm knows what he/she's talking aboutRubberArm knows what he/she's talking aboutRubberArm knows what he/she's talking aboutRubberArm knows what he/she's talking about
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Also Councilman Higgins, were you aware of findings of the court in the Freedomhill/Sterling Hieghts case when you voted yes to hire Duchane? Findings like these:

"In the meantime, however, apparently furious over having been sued, Defendant Duchane began a campaign of harassment and retaliation against Hillside which continues to the present day.3City Council Members Jay Pollard and Roger Fachini, and City Planner Norman Birr, all testified that Duchane had vowed to put Hillside out of business, and, in the testimony of Birr, that Duchane directed City employees to go back and reexamine the Freedom Hill Amphitheater site plan for any possible problems related to off-street parking, legal description, or other possible legal issues."

"City Council members Pollard and Fachini both testified that Duchane had taken similar retaliatory action against another entity, a night club, which Duchane harassed with unwarranted violations and investigations after the club had filed suit against the City."
"Rather than use established enforcement procedures; i.e., ordinance violations, citations, and state court appeals, that would provide Plaintiffs with the procedural due process rights to which they were entitled, Defendants Duchane and the City, without adequate notice or opportunity to respond, built a contrived case of noncompliance with the conditions of Hillside’s SALU and presented it in a revocation proceeding they had no authority to conduct."

These findings by the court show some very disturbing actions involving Duchane, wouldn't you agree?

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Old 12-17-04, 2:06 am
Veritas Scriptor knows what he/she's talking aboutVeritas Scriptor knows what he/she's talking aboutVeritas Scriptor knows what he/she's talking aboutVeritas Scriptor knows what he/she's talking aboutVeritas Scriptor knows what he/she's talking aboutVeritas Scriptor knows what he/she's talking about
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Precisely why it angers me that people are afraid to stand up against the "machine".

The "machine" can do it's darndest to put you in a headlock...but they only wind up being sued for millions of dollars.

I can only hope that people wake up and smell the coffee: Nobody can strongarm you into being silent but yourself.

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