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Old 04-23-05, 8:05 pm
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Is it time to end Day Care?

I must say I am very much against Day Care, or Nursery School or Pre-school or whatever else you may wish to call it.

The only reason Day Care exists is because women are not staying home with their children which is their duty.

Some people have told me that a Day Care does more than allow the Mother to work. They say a Day Care does a lot for a childs education and it allows a child to begin socializing with other children. BALDERDASH.

A Mother should be the teacher to her own child, not a Day Care Provider. My mother taught me how to read and write. My father taught me aritmatic. The wife taught the kids how to read and write. I taught them arithmatic.

Too many of our young mothers who do stay at home are more interested in watching Soap Operas than teaching their children. Young mothers need to put the child first.

I thank you.

Councilman Mario DiSanto, A better man for a better Lincoln Park

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Old 04-23-05, 9:10 pm
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Originally Posted by Mr Magoo
My mother taught me how to read and write. My father taught me aritmatic. The wife taught the kids how to read and write. I taught them arithmatic.

Well, maybe if you did go to day care, you would be able to spell arithmetic correctly.


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Old 04-23-05, 9:46 pm
MINDVTR has earned enough respect to be taken notice ofMINDVTR has earned enough respect to be taken notice ofMINDVTR has earned enough respect to be taken notice ofMINDVTR has earned enough respect to be taken notice ofMINDVTR has earned enough respect to be taken notice ofMINDVTR has earned enough respect to be taken notice ofMINDVTR has earned enough respect to be taken notice of
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If kids weren't put in daycare how would they learn to grow into the derranged little twisted kids of the future. Who can blame thier parents abandoning them as the reason they became a serial killer. How could they blame thier mental problems on the parents that dumped them with strangers .

Parents don't know the kids they have are screwed up because they don't spend much time with them . they don't recognize there may be a developmental problem because they don't see the actual development.

If pro is the opposite of con? would CONgress be the oppositeof PROgress?

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Old 04-23-05, 10:01 pm
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Oh my Lord

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Old 04-24-05, 7:11 pm
Squishie has earned enough respect to be taken notice ofSquishie has earned enough respect to be taken notice ofSquishie has earned enough respect to be taken notice ofSquishie has earned enough respect to be taken notice ofSquishie has earned enough respect to be taken notice ofSquishie has earned enough respect to be taken notice ofSquishie has earned enough respect to be taken notice of
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so you are saying that because my children attended preschool that they will grow up to be deviants or serial killers...What stupiditiy! Are my kids deprived because they attend preschool a few hours a day giving them a boost in learning the important fundamentals of elementary education? How silly!
MAgoo, you need to get out of the 40's and 50'....the way you spout off about kids not spending enough time in school I am surprized that you havent started campaining for kids to being a 7 day a week school schedule at the age of 1...Believe me I spend time with my children...important quality time that is loving and nuturing. and not you or anyone else is going to make me feel differentl because I choose to work to support my family....you just live in your own unrealistic bubble,,,
And Mind, I assure you I know how my kids are, I pay very close attention and I am involved in their lives bot in and out of school. It is just ludicris that you would say that early edcuation is the foundation to become a serial killer or otherwise social deviant. I do not know where you get your ideas from but I assure you they are far from the real truth....
I just cannot believe that here in the 2000's that people still have such crazy and miscontrued thoughts and ideas like this....If it was not so pathetic it could almost be laughable...
Just my opinion anyway.

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wrote down our baby's birth
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Old 04-24-05, 7:39 pm
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I don't agree that mothers should necessarily be staying home if they can work. Depending on the financial situation, a father may be the only one who has to work. However, there are also situations where the mother may have to work just to keep up on the bills. Some might say, "Well, why get pregnant under those circumstances?" We all know that sometimes things just happen that way.

Taking care of children is a very important and special gift. Should day care be a replacement mom for kids? No! Likewise, should mothers be burned out by their kis 24/7? No. Of course women have their responsibilities, but sometimes they just need a break. It's the same as when men take a day off work. Women scarcely get a day off when they're raising their kids. If people think that their children are ready for daycare, then, what's the big deal? Just as long as they're still paying attention to their kids.

I wish that I had gone to pre-school--my life REALLY began when I started meeting kids my age and having friends. Kids can get bored sometimes and tired with the goings-on of staying at home all week--I know that I did--and sometimes, having something for them to do to prepare them for kindergarten and the rest of school is a great idea. That doesn't mean that parents should give the parenting over to schools at all.

Everything should be balanced out. If a mother doesn't need to work and can spend time with her kids--great! We live in a different time now, Magoo--back in your day, it was a great job to work at the steel mill. My grandpa did for twenty years or so, and the pension he gets is fairly good ($1600 a month). Likewise, my fifty-two-year-old dad has been working in a plant for sixteen years, and found out that if he retires at 62, he'll only get $800 a month. If he makes it to 77, he'll get $1500 a month from Socil Security (prior to the implementation of Bush's social security plans, affecting everyone under fifty-five). If he went out on disability now, he'd be making more money than if he retired ten years from now. The factory jobs are not the great things that they were in your generation. Your generation, if I may be so bold to say so, got lucky regarding social security in that manner. With my dad's high school diploma and his current job, he may very well have to work 40 to 50 hours a week until he dies. Many people have seemingly gotten caught up with that. Knowing what I know, I could probably go to college and get a decent job where only one person in the household would have to work full-time while the kids are young.

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Old 04-24-05, 10:10 pm
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Mr. Magoo, you not only criticize working mothers, but you also criticize stay at home mothers. So, basically, you're criticizing all mothers?

If so, shame on you. Who are you to judge?

If I'm not working, I don't watch soap operas. I have HBO!

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Old 04-25-05, 11:42 am
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SQUISHIE I'm sure you have taken great care in choosing the daycare your kids go to. You have to accept the fact that many people do not. Daycare has been pushed on people and there are a lot of shady people out there . Many daycare workers do not have the qualifications it takes to make the proper analysis of the children put under their care. The growing number of children with developmental problems is growing . Parents do two thongs in most cases ,deny their child has a problem,and are often not aware themselves their child has problems . With the limited time a child may have with their parent , they will be on their best behavior .

A daycare facility that has staff that are educated in the area of child development are often out of the price range of most people . Some children act out at home when they are not happy with their situation and some only act out at daycare . Some daycare facilities tend to overlook problems ,so,they don't loose a customer .

We can't confuse Daycare with Pre-school . Preschool in most cases is a stuctured program with people involved that have the proper training. There are some children that do not work out well in the Pre-School process . Qualified administrators recognize this and let parents know. They also have basic levels of ability and interactive skills. Not every child will be able to cope with the programs and some children are not automaticaly ready at a specific age. At the age of 5 some kids are not ready for Kindergarten. Each child is their own little person and needs to treated that way when deciding their levels of ability

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Old 04-25-05, 12:04 pm
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I sent two out of three of my children to the Crowley Center for preschool and it was a Awesome experience for both of them an myself i got to do a lot of voulnteer work there, My middle son is on the mild side of being mentally retarted or developmentally delayed depending on which label you want to use and preschool was a excellent tool in preparing him for kindergarden, he is doing so awesome, and as a matter of fact he gets his first merit badge in boy scouts tommorrow and he made student of the month at Max Paun school, you can see him on the goverment chanel, ok im done bragging .

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Old 04-25-05, 12:30 pm
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MINDVTR, I couldn't agree more.

I think too many parents do not check out the day care center before dropping their kid off. Too often they do not even check to see if the place is properly licensed. They are just concerned about not being late for work or getting the lowest price.

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