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Old 08-21-04, 8:31 pm
Mr Magoo knows what he/she's talking aboutMr Magoo knows what he/she's talking aboutMr Magoo knows what he/she's talking aboutMr Magoo knows what he/she's talking aboutMr Magoo knows what he/she's talking aboutMr Magoo knows what he/she's talking about
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Is it time to end Lincoln Park Days?

Is it? Does it bring any revenue into the city? How much does it cost in overtime?

I know the exchange club gives the city some money to defray the cost, but no where near the real cost.

The thing hasn't changed in YEARS. Were you there 25 years go?? Well, you don't have to go again, because it is the same exact thing. Rides are always in the same spot. Beer tent in the exact same spot. Midway in the exact same spot. Nothing changes.

Well, not really.

What ever happened to the foot race held on Sunday?

What ever happened to the fire hose spraying contest between the LP Fire Department and a challenging city? (the first one to shoot the ball over the others line was the winner)

What ever happened to the talent contest?

The things that got the community involved are long gone. That which stayed are the EASY things, carnival rides, mini midway, beer tent, casino tent....big deal.

I love going to see old friends (many times I run into people I wish I would never see)

LP Days was once a highlight of the city. Is is time to close it down? Way too much money.

Overtime for DPW to clean up BEFORE and AFTER. Overtime for the police to sit in a park all night long to watch over the rides, overtime for the fire department to have an EMT there at all times.

If the city is serious about saving money, it is time to end LP Days until we can afford it.

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Old 08-21-04, 8:54 pm
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Re: Is it time to end Lincoln Park Days?

add a wet t-shirt contest!

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Old 08-21-04, 9:34 pm
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Re: Is it time to end Lincoln Park Days?

I love Lp Days! I spend at least like $40 every time I go and I usually go Friday. Saturday, and Sunday Its something fun to do before school starts and its a place to see how much people changed over the summer

You and me. Like a crayon and it's wrapper.

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Old 08-21-04, 10:23 pm
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Re: Is it time to end Lincoln Park Days?

Lincoln Park Days cost less than the Downriver Cruise and the many small parades (Memorial Day and Santa at Thanksgiving) do so I would cut them first if anything had to be cut. I just wish more of the community groups (Little Leagues, Boy Scouts, etc....) would show up more than they currently do.

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Old 08-21-04, 10:29 pm
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Re: Is it time to end Lincoln Park Days?

I've noticed more and more of the community organizations are not participating in LP Days anymore. Getting more and more non-LP organizations.

Mini-midway used to be full of local organizations. It was their fundraising even of the year for many of them.

From what I am seeing there will be even less this year.

I'm not sure what can be done, but I would like to see more local organizations in the tents.

BTW: The Firefighter hose ball contest ended the year Mayor Paddock broke his leg refereeing.

I agree Magoo. The Frank Rogers memorial run should be brought back.

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Old 08-22-04, 12:19 am
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Re: Is it time to end Lincoln Park Days?

aking lp days away would be bad for the city. something big needs to happen in every city. this is ours. why dot we all add something. how many of you belong to a club or service organization that use to have their fund raisers there? the clubs are fewer. get involved, get away from these machines for a few hours and make this a better world to live in. see ya at lp days. i will be serving beer sat night, selling pop and water for the chamber sat night, and hosting the bicycle show on sunday. i helped out the cpw with some bikes to raffel off, stop by their booth an buy a ticket, you may win one of two new schwinn bikes for your little one. also stop by the make a difference booth, they are selling tickets for a custom built chopper bike, built by a lincoln parker brian brown, all this money goes to childrens hospital burn center. when you buy that beer, it goes to the 6 one thousand dollar scolarships the exchange club gives out to lp high school seniors every year. wow, ramble ramble. stop by and say hi to bicycle don and his lovely wife debbie.
bicycle don

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Old 08-22-04, 12:40 am
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Re: Is it time to end Lincoln Park Days?

lp days is what we make it. I agree with BicycleDon. Lets try and encourage the few good things we have going for ourselves and add to them, and make more good times for everyone in the community.

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Old 08-22-04, 2:48 am
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Re: Is it time to end Lincoln Park Days?

I loved L.P. Days when I was growing up. There doesn't really seem to be a whole lot to it during the recent years. I would think that ending it would only be a negative for the city though.

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Old 08-22-04, 11:36 am
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Re: Is it time to end Lincoln Park Days?

We have always enjoyed LP days I usually get together with my mom and my sisiter and her family we always have a greta time.

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Old 08-23-04, 9:45 am
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Re: Is it time to end Lincoln Park Days?

I recall that Meijer was excited to be coming to LP. If anyone has noticed in Taylor the big festival (with fireworks) is sponsred by Meijer now. Perhaps they will do the same here.

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Old 08-23-04, 9:50 am
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Re: Is it time to end Lincoln Park Days?

LP Days maybe the same every year for those who have been going there alot of years, but the children of our city really enjoy it. Its new to them everyyear. Don't take away one of things this city does for families.

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Old 08-23-04, 9:57 am
Mr Magoo knows what he/she's talking aboutMr Magoo knows what he/she's talking aboutMr Magoo knows what he/she's talking aboutMr Magoo knows what he/she's talking aboutMr Magoo knows what he/she's talking aboutMr Magoo knows what he/she's talking about
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Re: Is it time to end Lincoln Park Days?

LP Days needs Fresh Blood. The same people have been involved for too long. You need the experience, but you need someone to look at things with a fresh young mind.

We need the involvement of the Community Groups again. Too many of them are no longer setting up a booth.

Fresh Blood and Fresh Young Minds. Mrs Mondon and the Mayor's Wife have done a good job, but time for others to run the show.

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Old 08-23-04, 9:59 am
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Re: Is it time to end Lincoln Park Days?

I like your thinking Mayday. Fireworks would add a nice to touch to LP Days, but any contribution by Meijers would be nice. When I was young, the fire dept Fire hose spraying contest was the best. Its too bad that we had to loose that. How did the chief break his leg, was it a freak accident? Isn't the fire hose contest basically the same thing as the firemans usual job function?

Buzz talked about the Little Leagues, boy/girl scouts showing up. Why don;t they give out there awards on LP days weekend, and give them the stage and make a big ceremony out of it. This would bring more people down, even reletives if the kids were getting there awards.

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Old 08-23-04, 10:04 am
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Re: Is it time to end Lincoln Park Days?

The Chief didn't break his leg, the mayor did.

Mayor Charles Paddock was the referree. The fire departments would shoot their water at this giant ball. The first one to get it across the others goal line was the winner.

Mayor Paddock was standing by the ball when he yelled for them to start. Both departments turned on their hoses. They hit the big ball, but the water shot at an angle hitting the mayor. He went down into a big puddle of water breaking his leg. Contest was stopped and never held again.

Charlie was a nice guy, but what the heck was he doing in the middle of the thing for?

Maybe they can hold the contest this year. Mr Duchane could be the referee.

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Old 08-23-04, 10:13 am
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Re: Is it time to end Lincoln Park Days?

So it was a freak accident. Doesn't seem to me to warrant cancelling the entire event forever. You are right Magoo, stand back from it.

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Old 08-23-04, 11:13 am
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Re: Is it time to end Lincoln Park Days?

Never been to an LP days. It's the same weekend as my church festival in which I always work it so it's kinda hard to get away.

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Old 08-23-04, 12:01 pm
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Re: Is it time to end Lincoln Park Days?

You have never been to Lp Days???!!! Thats crazy. I cant imagine not going to Lp Days

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Old 08-23-04, 12:03 pm
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Re: Is it time to end Lincoln Park Days?

Heidi Brown and Virginia Mondon do a pretty good job at coordinating LP Days. But I do think it is time to bring in some Fresh Ideas. You want some tradition sprinkled with something new and different.

Community Policing will not have a tent this year. I think I heard the fire department is thinking about not having a tent. LPHS Cheerleaders used to have a tent as well as a quite a few other groups.

One year the High School Cheerleaders had a dunk tank. They were all in swimsuits and you picked out the cheerleader you wanted to dunk. BRILLIANT IDEA!! They had a line of 13 year old boys stretching throughout the park.

The Exchange CLub needs to get the community groups active again. The midway was pretty sparse last year. Nowhere near the number of tents they had a couple of years ago.

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Old 08-23-04, 12:58 pm
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Re: Is it time to end Lincoln Park Days?

Lincoln Park days just needs to have some fresh ideas place into it. Get rid of the beer tent and bring some games, a diaper derby, three legged race, egg toss, things to get families involved. I'm not saying these are new ideas, just different than we have now.

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Old 08-23-04, 1:04 pm
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Re: Is it time to end Lincoln Park Days?

Why do they hide the bands?? You need to run an obstacle course to get to them. There is no reason to force people to walk through the smoke filled beer tent to get to the bands.

And the dance area. Couldn't they put something down so you can still dance after a rain?? Right now when it rains (and it ALWAYS rains during LP Days) you are up to your ankels in mud.

And put people around the parking area to keep the Carny's and other lowlives from breaking into cars. We know break-ins of that area are at an all time high. Has Mrs Brown and Mrs Mondon made plans for our safety and security??

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