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Elected Officials
View the profiles of our Mayor and Six Council Members.

Online Meeting Videos
In addition to weekly council meeting reviews, we add videos of the meetings. The Video Library is located here.



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Form of Local Government in effect for the City of Lincoln Park Michigan:

  • The City of Lincoln Park's government is a Weak Mayor Council for of government
  • The Mayor has no veto authority and the Mayor's vote is equal to one vote just as each of the six council member's vote.
  • We follow the Home Rule City Act and Robert's Rules of Order.
  • Appointments are made by the Mayor and the six council members except for the Public Safety and Housing Commissions which are Mayor appointment only.
  • The Mayor chairs the weekly Council Meetings and is responsible with the assistance of the City Manager for preparation of the City budgets (PDF) for approval by the full Council for that fiscal year which is July 1st thru June 30th. 
  • The Council President is the Council member elected with the largest number of votes at the last election.
  • There are two other elected officials: City Clerk and City Treasurer.
  • Elected officials terms are for two years and election occurs on odd numbered years. A primary election is held if more than two candidates run for Mayor, Clerk or Treasurer and if thirteen or more candidates file for the six council seats.
Lincoln Park Michigan City Buildings CIty of Lincoln Park Government Offices City of Lincoln Park Museum Lincoln Park Police Department Lincoln Park Fire Department Lincoln Park Public School Lincoln Park Public School Lincoln Park 25th District Court Lincoln Park 25th District Court Lincoln Park Public Library

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As of January 2006, the City of Lincoln Park presently employs approximately 100* full-time employees and part-time employees during different seasons. 

In addition there are approximately 110* Lincoln Park volunteers that are appointed to the various Boards & Commissions. View the most current list of Lincoln Park's Board & Commissions here.  If you are interested in volunteering for one of the boards and/or commissions, complete and send this online application. Your application will be reviewed to determine which Board and/or Commission has an opening and whether your application provides the qualifications for that opening.  

*The number of full-time employees, part-time employees and Board & Commissions members are subject to change.

Regular Public City Council Meetings / Study Sessions **:

  • Occur each Monday (on Tuesday if Monday is a holiday) at 8:00 p.m. in the Lincoln Park Council Chambers located on the second floor of 1355 Southfield (City Hall).  Meetings are open to the public. Study sessions are held every other week following a regular meeting being adjourned after urgent business is completed


  • Are televised live on the Local Government cable channels (Channel 12 for Comcast and Channel 10 for WOW cable services) on the same night as the meeting with one repeat shown on the following Wednesday at approximately 10:00 a.m., 6:00 p.m. and 10:00 p.m..


Special, Irregular, and Closed (Executive) Meetings (including Commission & Board Meetings)**:


Special or Irregular Meetings:

  • Council may schedule Special or Irregular Public Meetings from time to time.
  • Refer to the Local Government Channels, News Herald Newspaper. City web site, City Events Calendar and Community Forums for scheduled Special Public Meetings.
  • Special or Irregular Public Meetings are scheduled and posted 18 hours prior to the meeting for the public.
  • Generally, these meetings are not televised.

Commissions and Boards:

  • Throughout the calendar year, meetings for Lincoln Park Commission & Board occur and are open to the public.
  • Refer to the Local Government Channels, News Herald Newspaper. City web site, City Events Calendar and Community Forums for time & date schedules.
  • Generally these meetings are not televised.

Closed or Executive Meetings:

  • The OMA (Open Meetings Act) provides for these types of meetings but for only for a few circumstances.
  • Refer to the Open Meetings Act, Chapter 15.268 Sec. 8 for permissible reasons for closed/executive meetings.
  • Mayor and Council will identify the purpose of the closed session during a public meeting.
  • These meetings are not televised.

**All City Council Meetings are subject to the Open Meetings Act 267 of 1976 & Freedom of Information Act 442 of 1976.



City Hall Details

City Hall
1355 Southfield
Lincoln Park, MI  48146
Phone: 313.386.1800

Click for Map

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