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Public School District



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City of Lincoln Park Michigan Community Forums

City of Lincoln Park Public School District

The Mission of the Lincoln Park Public School:
Supporting achievement opportunities for lifelong success.
City of Lincoln Park School District Goals

Goal #1:
Students will progress toward meeting Michigan Curriculum Frameworks benchmarks.

Goal #2: Student achievement will be enhanced by maintaining North Central Association Accreditation and with a collaborating and highly qualified staff.

Goal #3: Students will be prepared to make a contribution to society through academic achievement, participation in career exploration, and community involvement initiatives.






Board members are elected by the registered voters of  Lincoln Park Michigan.

The public is invited and encouraged to attend all Board meetings which are held on the first and third Tuesday of each month.

Meetings begin @ 7:00 p.m. or immediately following Work Sessions.
When scheduled, Work Sessions begin at 7:00 p.m

Board of Education


Charles Kaminski

Vice President:

Charles Higgins


Robert O'Brien


Dawn Johnson


Michael Bartnikowski


Mary Corson


Gordon Gilbert


Vernon Wynn


Lincoln Park High School
1701 Champaign
Main Office:  313.389.0234
Fax Number: 313.383.5738
Attendance Office Phone: 313.389.0242
High School Hours: 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
High School Calendar


Kathleen Evans


Assistant Principal:

Eric Calvin


Assistant Principal & Vocational Director:

Luanne Clark


Assistant Principal:

Scott Tocco


Athletic Director:

David McCarney


Interim Director of HR

Dr. Diane Szalka



Lincoln Park Middle School
"Home of the L.P.M.S. Dragons"
2800 Lafayette
Main Office:  313.389.0757
Fax Number: 313.389.0761
Middle School Calendar
Student of the Month
Parent Connect - Student Grades & Attendance


Elizabeth Diener

Assistant Principal:

Vivian Christy

Assistant Principal:

Gerard Morin

Media Center




Athletic Director

Dave McCarney





Girls Basketball


Boys Basketball

7th & 8th Grade Swimming

7th & 8th Grade


7th & 8th Grade Volleyball







 Admin Personnel

1650 Champaign
(across from High School)
Phone: 313.389.0200
Fax: 313.389.1322

Randall Kite

Assistant Super/Instruction:
Richard Rockwell

Assistant Super/Finance:
Dr. Kay E. Greene

Director of HR
Alan Kevwitch

Public Schools

Lincoln Park High School
1701 Champaign
Main Office:  313.389.0234
Fax Number: 313.383.5738
Attendance Office Phone:
High School Calendar

Lincoln Park Middle School
2800 Lafayette
Lincoln Park, MI 48146
Phone: 313.389.0757
Fax: 313.389.0761


Elementary Schools

Carr Elementary
3901 Ferris
Steve Massengill
Phone: 313.389.0230

Crowley (Early Childhood Center)
2000 Pagel
Debbie Kitson
Phone: 313.389.0259

Foote Elementary
3250 Abbott
Principal: Cheryl Irving
Phone: 313.389.0230

Hoover Elementary
3750 Howard
Principal: Daphne Springer
Phone: 313.389.0207

Keppen Elementary
661 Mill
Terry Dangerfield
Phone: 313.389.0232

Lafayette Elementary
1360 Lafayette
Principal: Craig Stanczyk
Assist. Princ: Eileen Barker Phone: 313.389.0224

LeBlanc Special Ed Ctr
3804 Hazel
Director: Barbara Brish
Phone: 313.389.0220

Mixter Elementary
3301 Electric
Principal: Joan Menard
Phone: 313.389.0228

Paun Elementary
2821 Bailey
Principal: Walter Gates
Phone: 313.389.0218

Raupp Elementary
1351 Ethel
Bernard Falahee
Phone: 313.389.0226


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