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Join Date: Jan 2001
Posts/Thanks: 7,762/196 Thanked 211 Times in 153 Posts
Board Rules -- Remedies will be applied.
Election time can be warfare between candidates and their supporters. I want to REMIND everyone that we will not allow personal attacks; name calling of each other; etc. on these forums. Some of you will be receiving a pm advising of the warning. Please understand that these forums will not be used to bash each other and that it is here to open communication: NOT combative and personal attack communication. We have the debate club that can get heated but people have not resorted to the name calling and bashing that has occurred as of late. Some of you may say this is censoring......it is not. This is a Safe Surf ECRi G Rated site and it is used by many colleges and schools as an informative tool. The Terms or Use of this site and forums that you agreed to when you used this site as a member or as a visitors WILL BE ENFORCED. There are plenty of NON moderated forums and groups on the internet. If you cannot act like a grown up on these forums, I suggest you go elsewhere. We have many people in this community that want to discuss how to help our Lincoln Park and they do it in a non combative and personal attack way. Continued abuse of our Terms of Use causes people to not want to participate here. The board rules are NOT negotiable. Talk to each other in a respectful manner, follow the board rules or remedies will be applied. Click to read the Terms of Use
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Sometimes we must serve in order to lead" by Unknown |
Join Date: Oct 2003
Posts/Thanks: 6,815/430 Thanked 172 Times in 137 Posts
Re: Board Rules -- Remedies will be applied.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Arctic Cat Thundercat Test Pilot |
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