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Old 04-09-05, 4:47 pm
Mr Magoo knows what he/she's talking aboutMr Magoo knows what he/she's talking aboutMr Magoo knows what he/she's talking aboutMr Magoo knows what he/she's talking aboutMr Magoo knows what he/she's talking aboutMr Magoo knows what he/she's talking about
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Teens don't have to take gym

What is this latest nonsense I just read about. Students are no longer required to take gym class.

With all these kids sitting in front of computers nowadays, I think gym class is a priority.

One of our members claimed they did not have to take gym because they were in the marching band. Said it developed muscle. HOGWASH!!!

In my day we took gym. Everyday. The only ones who got out of it were those with "allergies" Many with "allergies" were teased so much that many threw away their doctor's excuse and participated.

I played football, baseball and was on the wrestling team. Those certainly "developed muscle" but it did not get me out of gym class. But then I never tried.

I strongly believe with the sad physical shape our present teenagers are in, gym class should be required.

I thank you.

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Old 04-09-05, 5:03 pm
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Re: Teens don't have to take gym

Uh...again you are wrong. We are required to take a gym class otherwise we can't gradute. But there are 2 classes that can get you waived out of gym: ROTC and Marching Band. Both which are classes that require althetic training. ROTC also takes care of one social studies credit. Marching Band only waives one half credit so you must take two years for it to count. But don't worry most kids still do take a gym class, even though they are not required to. But from what I hear our gym classes aren't too intense. Just get dressed and you get a good grade. But that's only what I have heard. And amazing a lot of people fail gym. I still wonder how that is possible. Gym was the one class I hated in elementary school. I shudder just thinking about it.

So yes, we are required to take a gym class or an equal class (ROTC/Marching Band).

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Old 04-09-05, 5:04 pm
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Re: Teens don't have to take gym

Let me show you my muscles anyday. I am probably much stronger than most boys in our high school.

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Old 04-09-05, 5:34 pm
Mr Magoo knows what he/she's talking aboutMr Magoo knows what he/she's talking aboutMr Magoo knows what he/she's talking aboutMr Magoo knows what he/she's talking aboutMr Magoo knows what he/she's talking aboutMr Magoo knows what he/she's talking about
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Re: Teens don't have to take gym

Football, baseball, basketball and wrestling are also require "athletic training" Those who make these teams are still required to take gym (at least I hope so)

I have the utmost respect for the ROTC members and wish them well.

But the marching band is an "activity" not an athletic event. I can no longer play football, baseball, or basketball. But I can most certainly walk. And that qualifies me for the Marching Band.

And you should have seen my muscles in my day.

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Old 04-09-05, 6:02 pm
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Re: Teens don't have to take gym

If it was a walking band. If you walk when you are supposed to be marching you run the chance of a torn hamstring. Some injuries that we have recieved as a result of training include: back pain (which haunts you for the rest of your life), broken toes, torn ligaments in feet and arms, fractures, seizures, fainting, and tendonitis.

"Auburn U. actually had an experiment done to this tune my freshman year. This guy came out with heart monitors and weight monitors and stuff. He would monitor peoples heart rates during games and performances and weigh them before and after shows and before and after practices. He was able to prove that marching band students are offically atheletes because of how hard we work. This year we even have a lot of ankle/knee injuries due to a double-time high-step entrance for our pregame."---taken from a message board at talesfrombandcamp.com

This is from everyone's favorite school (not mine)

Ever pracited for 10 hours in one day? In 90 degree weather? For 5 days straight? Made to inhale bug repellant fog because you were at attention and moving to cover your nose would mean that you didn't have enough respect for the 90 people around you and your school? m.......Yea even if you still have your silly opinions about us, just ask some of the 'jocks' most if not all have much respect for us and what we go through to become what we are. Sometimes respect is worth more than if you like something, we respect the football, baseball, basketball players and we think of them as our equals.

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Old 04-09-05, 6:57 pm
Mr Magoo knows what he/she's talking aboutMr Magoo knows what he/she's talking aboutMr Magoo knows what he/she's talking aboutMr Magoo knows what he/she's talking aboutMr Magoo knows what he/she's talking aboutMr Magoo knows what he/she's talking about
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Re: Teens don't have to take gym

Have I ever practiced for 10 hours in one day, in 90 degree weather? Certainly. I went to baseball camp for three summers in Ann Arbor. There was not "bug repellent" in those days. DDT killed bugs

Other than the Army I did not have to stand at attention. I played sports. That mean I ran. I never had a chance to stand and watch.

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Old 04-09-05, 9:02 pm
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Re: Teens don't have to take gym

Magoo wrong again ... gym is required in High School. You really should get your information correct before you make a statement. You really have a problem with teens. What a shame because there are so many GREAT TEENS out there. Students are taking a lot harder course & are getting ready for college.

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Old 04-09-05, 9:04 pm
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Talking Re: Teens don't have to take gym

This arguement seems to be going nowhere, but I would like to add that I am a drummer in the Lincoln Park High School Marching Band, and I also used to play softball. Seeing that you have obviously never witnessed a marching band rehearsal, let alone seen or experienced what goes on at band camp, you cannot have a valid arguement. Carrying a snare drum that weighs neary 25 pounds on a girl's back for HOURS upon end,(for 7 days straight at bandcamp!) is hardly "an "activity" not an athletic event"

I've seen baseball practice. I've been a part of it. Sure you run, but in the actual game what do you do? Hit the ball, run however many feet to the next base?

Just because you can walk does not qualify you for marching band. We don't walk in marching band. I'd like to see you try sometime. I'll be glad to give up my drum and let you play it, read the music, memorize it, learn the drill, go through the practices, spend the week at camp. Then we'll come and talk. Until then, you can go criticize and comment about something you actually know about.

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Old 04-10-05, 12:01 am
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Re: Teens don't have to take gym

I agree, flamcheezdiddle.

Marching band members practice in the heat for hours at a time. Many of our drills are not "walking" as you put it. Playing an instrument burns calories. There's also the fact that in marching band, we're all over the field. I would tell you some of the speeds of the music, but because you seem to be completely ignorant regarding that, it's useless. We have to take Marching band for two seasons to fulfill our requirements, and I assure you that we do just as much physical activity in a week--if not more--than the gym classes themselves. On Friday nights in our season, we're working either on the field or playing in the stand for five hours. Monday's, Tuesday's, and Wednesday's accumulate three hours. Thursday's accumulate two. So right there, that's about ten hours a week of marching band in our season--TWICE AS MUCH work as kids in the gym class. We don't stop and chat and dilly-dally while we're on the field--our practice is continuous. You mention that you were in football, baseball, and basketball--were you ever playing continuously? No one "benches" in marching band--all of us keep going. We get our work-out, Magoo.

And you're always griping about how teenagers are sitting in front of computers all the time. Judging from your enormous post count (and the time labellings on your postings), it sounds like your muscles are nothing but quantities of congealed uselessness because YOU sit in front of a computer all day.

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Old 04-12-05, 10:51 am
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Re: Teens don't have to take gym

i always thought gym class, was a stupid waste of time. some old drunk teaching it insisted on being called coach. crap i was on the cycling team, and the volley ball team. got a letter in volley ball and coached it in college.

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Old 04-12-05, 1:39 pm
Mr Magoo knows what he/she's talking aboutMr Magoo knows what he/she's talking aboutMr Magoo knows what he/she's talking aboutMr Magoo knows what he/she's talking aboutMr Magoo knows what he/she's talking aboutMr Magoo knows what he/she's talking about
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Re: Teens don't have to take gym

Originally Posted by buckeyebil
i always thought gym class, was a stupid waste of time. some old drunk teaching it insisted on being called coach. crap i was on the cycling team, and the volley ball team. got a letter in volley ball and coached it in college.
Volleyball Team? I didn't know men played volleyball. We played volleyball in gym class, but we would never consider forming a team. We would have been laughed out of school.

Cycling Team? This is what I was warning about Title IX.

With the tightening of school budgets, we need to stick with sports that can pay for themselves.

I would hope that LPHS does not have a cycling team or a boys volleyball team.

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Old 04-12-05, 3:57 pm
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Re: Teens don't have to take gym

Magoo is not far off. In today's day and age society needs to put tools in place to counter obesity. One of these tools should most certainly be required gym - in each year of every school year. It is not like when I was a kid when all kids were outside running, playing, riding bikes, etc... Now, on any given day in my neighborhood you would swear that there were no kids living there. It's really unbelievable. Western civilization is creating a world of unhealthy pigs at an out of control rate. I tell my kids, who are very fit, athletic, and can run a mile with no problem (which all kids should be able to do), that it's going to be very interesting to see all of these obese kids when they hit their 40's and 50's. . . Going to be dropping like flies, or popping prescription drugs like they were sweet-tarts (excuse the pun). When I see these kids walking with their fat parents I sometimes feel like grabbing them by the hair, dragging them to a mirror, and yelling, "LOOK AT YOURSELF. DON’T YOU SEE WHAT YOU’RE DOING??????????????" And please, don't give me that band crap either. Sorry, tooting your horn as you march across a football field is not exercise. Running a mile, swimming 25 laps, playing football, hockey, basketball, etc.... is exercise. Don't get me wrong kids; I don't blame you for this. It was my generation that created the video games and Big Mac value meals. I just hope that each of you is smart enough to take control of what happening to you.

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Old 04-12-05, 4:07 pm
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Re: Teens don't have to take gym

Originally Posted by buckeyebil
i always thought gym class, was a stupid waste of time. some old drunk teaching it insisted on being called coach. crap i was on the cycling team, and the volley ball team. got a letter in volley ball and coached it in college.

Your not fooling anyone here. Your grammer indicates that you never attended college.

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Old 04-12-05, 4:18 pm
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Re: Teens don't have to take gym

Originally Posted by lpdivin
Your not fooling anyone here. Your grammer indicates that you never attended college.

lpdivin, what does college have to do with taking gym class, or are you just trying to insult him? I never went to college but spent my time in the Navy serving my country. Does this make me a bad person? In my high school the gym teacher was literally a drunk. Everyone knew this, even the school board, still he was allowed to sit there and pretend to teach. There was even one year I did nothing in gym, sat on the sidelines and didn't participate one time. I passed with an A.

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Old 04-12-05, 4:43 pm
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Re: Teens don't have to take gym

No, not trying to insult him or her. I just don't believe, based on their grammar, that he or she attended college, as the quote seems to indicate. I don't put up with B.S.'ers any more than you should. Sometimes you just have to draw a line in the sand, and put a few more in the ground.

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Old 04-12-05, 4:56 pm
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Re: Teens don't have to take gym

College still means nothing as far as grammer goes when you have scholarships tossed around for people that can play sports, graduate from college, join a professional sports team and still can't write their name correctly.

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Old 04-12-05, 5:00 pm
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Re: Teens don't have to take gym

I with you there partner.

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Old 04-12-05, 7:46 pm
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Re: Teens don't have to take gym

Originally Posted by lpdivin
Magoo is not far off. In today's day and age society needs to put tools in place to counter obesity. One of these tools should most certainly be required gym - in each year of every school year. It is not like when I was a kid when all kids were outside running, playing, riding bikes, etc... Now, on any given day in my neighborhood you would swear that there were no kids living there. It's really unbelievable. Western civilization is creating a world of unhealthy pigs at an out of control rate. I tell my kids, who are very fit, athletic, and can run a mile with no problem (which all kids should be able to do), that it's going to be very interesting to see all of these obese kids when they hit their 40's and 50's. . . Going to be dropping like flies, or popping prescription drugs like they were sweet-tarts (excuse the pun). When I see these kids walking with their fat parents I sometimes feel like grabbing them by the hair, dragging them to a mirror, and yelling, "LOOK AT YOURSELF. DON’T YOU SEE WHAT YOU’RE DOING??????????????" And please, don't give me that band crap either. Sorry, tooting your horn as you march across a football field is not exercise. Running a mile, swimming 25 laps, playing football, hockey, basketball, etc.... is exercise. Don't get me wrong kids; I don't blame you for this. It was my generation that created the video games and Big Mac value meals. I just hope that each of you is smart enough to take control of what happening to you.

Don't give me the "band is not exercise" crap, either--our shows run a continous 10-15 minutes. It's not even just our show. Our practices are much longer. At band camp this year, where we do the majority of our work with about 5-8 hours a day of marching for a week, I dropped ten pounds. Now, how hypocritical is it of people to say that marching band isn't "exercise" for an hour or more every day, when the government suggests at least HALF an hour of walking every day to keep in shape (there's also the 10,000 steps a day deal). Running a mile is great, but we more than compensate for that at our practices.Please, all of you who are so quick to judge our program, come see us sometime on the field.

LPdivin, you're part of the problem in this country. That's great that your kids happen to be in shape and all, but you're breeding a judgemental attitude in all of them by speaking about fat people as if they're nothing more than a mesmerizing and humorous spectacle.

I'm a heavy person. My parents are heavy people. Do I take accountability for what we've done to ourselves? Sure. The problem is that other people feel like it's their God-given responsibility to point out someone's obesity, as if that person doesn't already know. I am working on my weight, but being in shape is not everything in this life. I happen to find that a lot of the kids who are in athletic programs haven't honed their intelligence at all.

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Old 04-12-05, 9:47 pm
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Re: Teens don't have to take gym

I Agree with PufftheMagicDragon. I also lost about 10 pounds at bandcamp. I eat healthy enough, not snacking like I used to, and I exercise every day. I have found that one week at bandcamp (Only 1 week) has helped me lose more weight than eating healthy and exercising every day for a month. (PLEASE don't get me wrong, I'm not going to stop eating right and exercising because bandcamp helped me lose more weight than my usual program!) So, you can't tell me that's not physical. We eat GOOD and A LOT at bandcamp, so there is no way you can say it's not active. If it weren't active, we'd be gaining weight at camp instead of losing it like we are.

I would also like so say that I am almost regretting becoming a part of this website. I came here to read up on current issues, and I am slammed with criticisms about the one thing I truly care about in my life. Every time I read a negative comment about the LP band, I feel like someone just kicked me in the side and the bruise just keeps getting bigger with every comment. I love band, and I would never quit. I'm a good musician, and I don't need to shake my butt like River Rouge or be the best at my instrument.I don't care about any of that. I just want to play, have fun, and most of all meet new people and have a positive experience and influence on my life. I love our director, he makes it fun. But hearing all of these comments leaves me heart broken. It sure would be great if Lincoln Park's own citizens would support their local band, that would be great.

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Old 04-13-05, 1:25 pm
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Re: Teens don't have to take gym

It sure would be great if Magoo would start threads that show there's some good in Lincoln Park. I certainly hope, Magoo, that you're not such a pessimist with your wife--otherwise, I feel for her.

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11-02-05 4:26 pm
26 Replies, 284 Views
Kovacs and Kandes still in violation of city...
Last post by Robbie
11-02-05 2:01 pm
68 Replies, 904 Views

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