Housing The prevalent house styles consists of three bedroom bungalows, colonials, and ranches on small lots with most built between 1940 & 1950. There are a few newer and larger homes on double lots as well.
Schools Math and reading MEAP scores for the Lincoln Park Public School District run about 33% below state averages. Two new elementary schools and a middle school have been built within the last few years.
Taxes On average, taxes are $49.60 per $1000 of a house's taxable value. A $91,100 (average price) house with a taxable value of $45,550 would have property taxes of $2259.
Shopping, dining, and entertainment
Shopping and dining are available throughout the city. For recreation there are 1 parks that include many facilities.
Public Safety The Lincoln Park Police reported 286 burglaries, 302 vehicle thefts, 20 cases of criminal sexual conduct,
40 armed robberies, and homicide in 2000
Public Transportation SMART 313.962.5515
Senior Transportation (60+, disabled, curb to curb)
Taxi subsidized rates for 60+ or disabled 313.386.3102
Free SMART bus tickets, 60+ or disabled 313.386.3102
Industries/Employers: Ford Motor Co.
Hall's Transportation
Pierno Foods
Meijer Store

Parks & Recreation
Lincoln Park provides 130 acres of open space which make up our 19 city parks. These parks include large play structures, athletic fields and courts, and inline skating rink, trails, picnic & restroom facilities, and wading pools.
Braverman Park
Kiwanis Park
Paun Park
Council Point Park
Lafayette Park
Propspinner Park
Exchange Park
Maple Park
Quandt Park
Forest Park
Marion Park
VFW Park
Ford Park
Ford Mtr Co. Park
Memorial Park
Willow Park
Jaycee Park
Papalas Park
Youth Center Park

Completed High School only
College 1-3 years
College 4+ years

Labor Force (2000 average)
Unemployment Rate (2000 average)
Median Household Income (2000)

Lincoln Park, Michigan Details
Date Incorporated
Area (Square Miles)
Statistics provide by SE MI Council of Governments 
# of Households (2000)
# of Households (1990)
# of Persons per Household (2000)
Occupied Housing units
Vacant Housing Units
Renter Occupied Housing Units
Rental Vacancy Rate (percent)
# of Persons per Rental Household (2000)
% Change in Housing Units 1990-2000
Median Household Sales Price (2000)
Median Contract Rent (2000)
Population (2000)
% Population Change
% Aged 18 & Over (2000)
% Aged 65 & Over (2000)
Population Density (2000)
Median Age (2000)
35.5 years
Clubs & Organizations
American Legion Robert A. DeMars Post 67
Located at: 1430 Southfield Rd
For more info call: 313.388.2088
One of the oldest Posts in the Downriver area being chartered in 1933, this is a veteran's organization formed to serve the veterans of America's wars across the world. The American Legion serves the needs of their veterans with food or other sustenance, low cost housing, medical care, and a place for for veterans to share their experiences, etc.
Eagle Scouts Troop 1373
For more info: e-mail Scoutmaster
Troop 1373 is jointly chartered with Max Paun School PTA and the Fraternal Order of Eagles #2566
Lincoln Park Preservation Alliance
An organization that compiles Lincoln Park Historical people, places, buildings, etc.
Wayne County Genealogy Forum
Trace your Lincoln Park Family History and chat with our Lincoln Parker's in this forum.
Downriver Walleye Association
For more info: E-mail to dwf@dwfonline.com
An organization to unite walleye fisherman that ply the Detroit River and Lake Erie.
Lincoln Park GoodFellows
For more info call: 381.1223 (24 hr tape)
Lincoln Park Goodfellows is certified by the Lincoln Park Chamber of Commerce #19976 and are very proud of the work we have done in our community.
Friends of Lincoln Park Animals
For more info call: 313.381.9020/382.2403 or
E-mail to friendsoflpanimals@yahoo.com
Provides numerous offerings such as humane education, referrals, fostering and finding new homes for animals, thus we have somewhat become an alternative to the "dog pound". The great thing about animal rescue/adoption organizations is that they enable more and more animals to find good homes.
We are always open to and appreciate any donations that are made to the group.
Attractions & Events
Cruisin Downriver
2007 Schedule has not yet been determined.
Lincoln Park is the official starting point and has the most cruise land, free parking, vendors, food, drink, and entertainment.
Lincoln Park Days
Hosted at the Youth Center Park
(Community Center)
2004 Lincoln Park Days Tentative Schedule
For info call: 313.386.4075
The 2007 Lincoln Park Days schedule has not yet been determined.
Lincoln Park hosts this family carnival/festival which brings over 40,000 people to our city. This event has great rides, a petting zoo, games, food, car & bike shows, carnival rides, and more!
Hosted at Memorial Park (inside)
For info call: 313.386.4075
Annual FantasyLand Christmas Display of animated people and animals, around the world doll display, and of course Santa and his helpers!
Lincoln Park Historical Museum
For Info call: 313.386.3137
For detailed information about Lincoln Park's Historical Museum go here.