Park Name & Location
Braverman Park Detroit & Washington Streets
- Playscape
Council Point Park River Drive with entrance at Stewart
- 2 baseball/softball fields
- 3 soccer fields
- inline skating rink
- 2 walking paths
- playscape
- pavilion
- Soccer Field
- brand new Restrooms
Exchange Park Dix and McLain Streets
- Playscape
Forest Park Richmond and Buckingham Streets
- Provides electricity - no other facilities
Ford Park Buckingham and Wilson Streets
- Ball Diamond
- Playground equipment
Ford Motor Co. Park Cicotte @ I-75
Jaycee Park
Harrison and Ferris Streets
- Playground
Kiwanis Park Gohl and LeBlanc Streets
- Ball Diamonds
- Playground
- Picnic Area
- Pavilion
- Restrooms
Lafayette Park Cicotte and Lafayette Streets
- Playscape
Maple Park
Hazel and LeBlanc Streets
- Playscape
- Ball Diamond
- Picnic Area