Random Quote |
"Responsibility does not only lie with the leaders of our countries or with those who have been appointed or elected to do a particular job. It lies with each of us individually. Peace, for example, starts within each one of us. When we have inner peace, we can be at peace with those around us."
- The Dalai Lama
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This is the first forum that all new members and visitors should review first. This forum category contains info on how to use this forum's features, News, Announcements; Site Terms of Use, etc.
Forum Name |
Last Post |
Topics |
Posts |
New Members, Please introduce yourself in this forum. This section of forums contains: How Do I..., site news, FAQ's, Suggestions, site errors, Advertisers and the Happy Forum.
12-18-05 9:43 pm
121 |
1,444 |
Topics relating to how to use the features of this forum.
11-05-05 9:02 pm
14 |
85 |
A place for announcements regarding the board. All users please check for new announcements periodically.
12-26-05 5:37 pm
30 |
358 |
A special place to acknowledge our Advertisers & Volunteers.
06-11-05 3:56 am
5 |
38 |
A place to post your Happy's to people for birthdays, anniversaries, awards, graduations, holidays, etc.
Forum to post any comments about the website/forums, suggestions on how to improve this site (forums & main site), and gripes about issues with the site, e.g. bad links, content, etc. Also site issues will be listed here.
Registered Members Only |
0 |
0 |
Topics about local events and links to event calendars; newsletters, etc. View current or upcoming events on the Events Calendar.
Forum Name |
Last Post |
Topics |
Posts |
Topics to announce or update info on immediate issues or events relating to our community. Posts in this Forum appear on the main news page.
12-20-05 11:57 am
171 |
2,239 |
Upcoming and Current Events. Please be sure to add your event to the Events Calendar. Your event will then appear on the calendar remider.
12-23-05 5:37 pm
210 |
1,766 |
Forums & Topics all about the City of Lincoln Park Businesses.
Forum Name |
Last Post |
Topics |
Posts |
Know of a sale, hard to find products, special offers, a Grand Opening, or have an opinion of a Lincoln Park Business, etc.? -- Share it here!
12-22-05 1:05 pm
122 |
2,029 |
Information about one of our Newest Resturants: HOBNOB's
12-04-05 1:04 pm
24 |
313 |
Lincoln Park Business Expo information, etc.
12-03-05 5:49 pm
14 |
249 |
On site Professional/Quality Service Reasonably Priced all types and OS: Virus Removal; Networks; Installations; Hardware Replace/Setup
Registered Members Only |
0 |
0 |
Various forums with information and resources for the community
Forum Name |
Last Post |
Topics |
Posts |
This forum is for questions, comments, predictions, concerns, polls etc. relating to Local Gov't election 2005. Topics will include current concerns affecting our City.
12-16-05 11:45 am
246 |
5,170 |
This forum is for posts that do not fit in any other category of the forums. This is also the forum for non politic questions.
12-22-05 10:55 am
823 |
9,793 |
A forum for our debate lovers! This forum is for discussion of a more detailed or heated nature. No flaming, No namecalling. Remember we're all friends!
12-23-05 8:28 pm
48 |
1,258 |
Roads, Buildings, infastructure projects info and questions forum.
12-21-05 2:36 pm
67 |
966 |
Forums about hobbies, books & Photos & Scrapbooks, Helpful Hints, debates, paintballing, knitting, models, etc.
12-15-05 5:20 pm
73 |
654 |
Let our Armed Forces know that we are thinking of them and wish them all a safe return home.
12-08-05 7:50 am
34 |
441 |
Post Prayers and rememberances for those you care for.
12-23-05 5:11 pm
86 |
583 |
Just plain good old fashioned fun: Games, Trivia, Remember When, etc.
12-22-05 12:06 pm
210 |
6,032 |
Community Reviews of Movies, TV Shows, Books, Resturants, (non Lincoln Park) Stores, etc.
12-21-05 12:06 pm
139 |
1,058 |
Wanna talk about Monday's game? How about those wings? Who's your pick for the PGA? Here's the sports spot!
12-07-05 12:23 pm
40 |
520 |
Questions & Answers from home mortgage loan experts who have been in this business for over 24 years.
12-13-05 9:32 pm
15 |
51 |
A forum for questions or discussions relating to health, fitness, medicine etc. Recommend a pediatrician, ask others for thier experience with a diet or exercise program, and other related info.
12-12-05 5:53 pm
24 |
221 |
Funnies; Oddities; Strange Signage; etc. ALL MUST BE G RATED and CANNOT INCLUDE ADDRESS NUMBERS. All attachments will be moderated.
12-20-05 5:27 pm
1 |
19 |
Building a website and have questions? Post them here and get expert answers. This is also the forum for internet safety tips and the latest Virus' & Scams
11-30-05 3:28 pm
28 |
126 |
Disputatious Actions of LP Officials
Individual forums which contain debates of those resolutions, decisions and/or acts made by City Officials that may have a major, long standing impact on our community and overall quality of Life in Lincoln Park.
Forum Name |
Last Post |
Topics |
Posts |
This has been called many different names: Collaboration of Services, Regionalization/Collaboration Joaint and Cooperative Agreement -- all means to share city services, workers & purchases with other cities.
12-09-05 1:25 am
14 |
148 |
Topics about the Early Reitrement Incentive ( ERI PLAN).
07-24-05 11:16 am
58 |
957 |
The How Our City Council Voted on Resolutions Site is now open & updated daily. Resolutions are grouped by category, descriptions & how each councilmember voted. Very easy to find resolutions & details.
This forum is for topics relating to the proposed new International Bridge to Canada.
Registered Members Only |
0 |
0 |
This category has topics about Freedom of Speech, FOIA, Open Meetings Act. Questions about these issues should be posted here.
11-22-05 12:40 pm
27 |
522 |
Forums specifically relating to our City of Lincoln Park Local Government and City Depts.
Forum Name |
Last Post |
Topics |
Posts |
People and Phone numbers to our City Departments. THIS IS A LINK which is why it shows no posts.
This forum is for general questions, suggestions, comments or issues as it relates to current politics in Lincoln Park. The sub forums are for Council Meeting Agendas and Reviews of the actual meetings.
12-21-05 1:33 pm
130 |
1,925 |
Questions or comments that involve specific City Departments - Policies, Procedures, etc.
Registered Members Only |
0 |
0 |
This category contains forums related to Lincoln Park City Council Meetings.
12-23-05 3:44 pm
326 |
3,020 |
Discussion about our City's Ordinances/Charters.
View City Charters/Ordinances Here.
11-23-05 5:06 pm
40 |
811 |
Topics and questions about the Lincoln Park Committees, Boards and appointments.
11-19-05 11:58 am
100 |
942 |
Topics relating to Treasurer and Assessor Offices e.g. Real and Personal Property Taxes; Assessments (SEV);
11-17-05 2:22 pm
31 |
628 |
Budget issues, questions, discussions, suggestions, and topics about labor, staffing, general operation, audits, bond and tax revenues, etc.
12-06-05 4:39 pm
113 |
1,122 |
Topics relating to our Police, Fire, Public Safety Commission, etc.
12-21-05 9:41 am
324 |
3,006 |
Something bugging you? Get it off your chest here!
11-08-05 5:29 pm
62 |
1,333 |
The Teen Scene
Forums and topics for Teenagers.
Forum Name |
Last Post |
Topics |
Posts |
This forum is just for Lincoln Park's Teenagers.
12-09-05 12:23 am
23 |
444 |
Forum to discuss issues facing our teens in today's world.
12-15-05 12:37 pm
16 |
298 |
School issues that teenagers face.
08-31-05 8:53 am
6 |
112 |
This forum is for adults to ask questions of our teens about issues relating to teenage lifestyles, ideals, etc. Remember this is G RATED forum!
07-01-05 11:37 am
5 |
33 |
Forums relating to the City of Lincoln Park Public School District as well as Day Care Centers, Head Start, etc.
Forum Name |
Last Post |
Topics |
Posts |
For misc. topics relating to schools, events, socials, PTA, Festivals, etc.
12-19-05 1:00 am
86 |
508 |
Events, Info, Announcements for the Lincoln Park Michigan Elementary schools.
11-17-05 9:10 am
32 |
326 |
This forum is for assignments, Info, Events, etc. relating to the Lincoln Park Middle School.
12-06-05 8:07 pm
15 |
172 |
This Forum is for Lincoln Park High School Announcements, Events, Info, etc.
12-23-05 8:49 pm
131 |
1,446 |
Discussions on the Head Start Program.
01-28-05 12:09 pm
10 |
20 |
Information and resources about Day Care Providers
04-25-05 3:23 pm
3 |
47 |
Forums for topics relating specifically to City of Lincoln Park Mayor, Council, City Attorney, City Manager.
Forum Name |
Last Post |
Topics |
Posts |
This is the forum for questions, comments, suggestions to the various Commissions we have in Lincoln Park. With the increace in Citizen involvement, I felt it would help our commissioners if they had one place to look for our input.
12-22-05 11:30 am
14 |
169 |
From Nov 24 2003 to Nov 21 2005 Council Administration Topics of Overview score cards (entire council score card) , this day in council history, previous city leaders, etc.
08-19-05 7:41 pm
24 |
356 |
12-05-05 1:30 pm
36 |
361 |
Post your questions and review other topics for Councilman Tom McPartlin. This is the first administration for this council member.
12-05-05 3:27 pm
2 |
21 |
11-23-05 9:32 pm
43 |
612 |
11-28-05 11:40 am
49 |
468 |
12-21-05 2:11 pm
102 |
1,783 |
12-10-05 12:42 pm
92 |
1,971 |
12-05-05 3:48 pm
39 |
646 |
12-25-05 6:37 pm
139 |
2,474 |
Topics relating to appointed contractually City Attorney, questions about legal issues resulting from City Leader's actions, etc.
12-19-05 1:07 am
11 |
151 |
11-30-05 2:59 am
66 |
1,124 |
Various Organizations for our City of Lincoln Park.
Forum Name |
Last Post |
Topics |
Posts |
A forum to find out how you can pitch in and do your part. Also includes topics about volunteer organizations such as GoodFellows, etc.
12-11-05 1:25 pm
30 |
373 |
This forum is to post information received from the LPMA to our Community
07-16-05 1:47 pm
5 |
41 |
Forum for events, schedules, happenings relating to the Lincoln Park Girl Scouts Troop 197.
10-06-05 10:37 am
7 |
38 |
A forum for news, information and discussion relating to the Lincoln Park Preservation Alliance
12-22-05 4:12 pm
79 |
713 |
Topics about the CPW.
11-27-05 3:02 pm
7 |
54 |
Have an issue for LP Pride? Post it here and it will be emailed directly to the LP Pride Dept for action.
10-09-05 9:00 pm
22 |
332 |
Information and resources for issues involving our State and Country.
Forum Name |
Last Post |
Topics |
Posts |
Discussion on economics, politics, our US and State Constitution, or any other National Level discussion.
12-03-05 8:16 pm
84 |
1,245 |
Topics involving Politics, initiatives, etc. for the entire state of Michigan.
12-22-05 1:24 pm
227 |
905 |
A forum to discuss various topics relating to the upcoming 2004 general / presidential elections
02-07-05 7:33 pm
58 |
922 |
Other city site links, govt, ect.
10-19-05 3:40 pm
44 |
105 |
Forums specific to communities other than Lincoln Park Michigan.
12-07-05 8:45 am
198 |
1,589 |
Downloads, Document Links, Archives Section
Downloads, Documents, Archives, e.g. pdf; sound; flash; video, etc. Council Minutes, Budgets etc. These external links may contain non G Rated Contact.
Forum Name |
Last Post |
Topics |
Posts |
A download directory that contains many of the pdf; sound bytes; flash; video files found throughout the forum.
Note: Page is NOT G Rated.
External Link to 2003 Lincoln Park City Council Meeting Minutes.
External Link to 2004 Lincoln Park City Council Meeting Minutes.
External Link to Year To Date 2005 Lincoln Park City Council Meeting Minutes.
External Link to AMLegal City of Lincoln Park Charter / Ordinances.
Avatars; Smilies; and other graphics used in forum topics.
09-01-05 2:06 pm
1 |
2 |
Forum Stats
Members Online: 1637 (82 members and 1555 guests)
Most users online was 2144, 11-22-05 at 7:33 am.
shs06, RN222, Primo, claytonangel, Mr Magoo, southside, Wolverine, LPRailCoach, dl64, tl1526, BuzzLightYear, Brian, stufuller, bicycledeb, Roadrunner, Karen DiFranco, planner, walter b sutowski, bicycledon, HOBNOBS2, DonDiego, Dutch, wicked_cure, scram11, jeyhey, Rmc2017, regret my vote, andro, Zlhsalaru, bone17, Pistonsfan321, RubberArm, SuprMan, Leslie, Catlady, JellieBean08, buckeyebil, The Guy Next Door, ChristyZ, BountyHunter, assistant, Rocky, rail1, 81mom, happy and relaxed, becky813, Mumzzee, robynette, suzycitizen, Dr. Roberts, Timinem, LP Mom, baluu_99, PufftheMagicDragon, campin'gal, Dolphingurl0611, railsplitter, MissRobyn, Valerie Brady, MrMyers, trapper, TAMurphy, TTCKPSG, lpdivin, lpgurl06, frebolt0813, ALLIE, freddy reddy, Tayshaun22, TheGirlNextDoor, GCgirl1188, MINDVTR, Lupin, Dave2405, terminator, roundone, Grandpa
Topics: 6,260, Posts: 76,687, Members: 795
Today's Birthdays
Forum Contains New Posts |
Forum Contains No New Posts |
Forum is Closed for Posting |
» Special Events Countdown
» Latest Forum Topics
Forums Coming down @ 5:pm today. Preparation for...
12-26-05 5:37 pm
7 Replies, 78 Views
Will LP PAY Duchane $161,000 approx now that SH...
12-25-05 6:37 pm
23 Replies, 384 Views
New Forums are up but still need the features...
12-25-05 5:00 pm
0 Replies, 61 Views
Merry Christmas everyone.
12-24-05 9:22 pm
10 Replies, 73 Views
Hall Sweeps.
12-23-05 8:49 pm
7 Replies, 108 Views
Happy Birthday Veritas Scriptor
12-23-05 8:31 pm
8 Replies, 41 Views
Should old people be allowed to drive.
12-23-05 8:28 pm
8 Replies, 89 Views
Goodfellows 2005 Pics
12-23-05 5:37 pm
4 Replies, 77 Views
Vic Grasso has passed away
12-23-05 5:11 pm
10 Replies, 113 Views
Is Dionne being punished by Brown and Duchane?
12-23-05 3:44 pm
3 Replies, 111 Views
Are people confused or just illinformed?
12-23-05 3:37 pm
9 Replies, 134 Views
Should people have to die for a education.
12-22-05 8:35 pm
12 Replies, 117 Views
Fire Department Launches Battery Replacement...
12-22-05 5:43 pm
0 Replies, 31 Views
Arcadia books are here!
12-22-05 4:12 pm
41 Replies, 346 Views
City Council Agenda - 12/27/2005
12-22-05 2:58 pm
0 Replies, 58 Views
Prayers for my daughter Megan
12-22-05 2:26 pm
22 Replies, 236 Views
Can a Person holding public office in one City...
12-22-05 1:24 pm
9 Replies, 111 Views
Last one out turn off the lights!!
12-22-05 1:05 pm
13 Replies, 164 Views
Deposition of former Allen Park Mayor, Levon King
12-22-05 12:07 pm
1 Replies, 54 Views
Useless Facts
12-22-05 12:06 pm
305 Replies, 1,758 Views
Hey DDA, there is a new Sheriff in town
12-22-05 11:30 am
15 Replies, 171 Views
Who likes Josh Groban? Can I borrow your CD?
12-22-05 10:55 am
7 Replies, 60 Views
The Big Holiday is almost upon us....
12-22-05 1:34 am
8 Replies, 58 Views
Lincoln Park Night Life
12-21-05 11:44 pm
24 Replies, 481 Views
Planning Commision to hold Two Public Meetings
12-21-05 10:24 pm
0 Replies, 37 Views
Let's make our own Lincoln Park's T'was the Night...
12-21-05 10:14 pm
2 Replies, 43 Views
Did you get it too? Check it out... a letter that...
12-21-05 7:39 pm
1 Replies, 91 Views
3-word Story Game
12-21-05 2:58 pm
1,084 Replies, 4,637 Views
Is Duchane trying to control the commissions?
12-21-05 2:54 pm
27 Replies, 359 Views
Hey Robin -Condo Project?
12-21-05 2:36 pm
16 Replies, 238 Views
DiSanto questions the "Minutes"...
12-21-05 2:11 pm
5 Replies, 112 Views
What do you guys thinking about tomorrow, Dec.15?...
12-21-05 2:09 pm
18 Replies, 201 Views
New Year's Eve at LP Historical Museum
12-21-05 2:08 pm
7 Replies, 58 Views
Congratulations to Councilman DiSanto our new...
12-21-05 1:53 pm
0 Replies, 28 Views
Does the city have a policy to treat alcoholism
12-21-05 1:33 pm
3 Replies, 113 Views
Ebay selling LP Commission Badge
12-21-05 12:43 pm
3 Replies, 47 Views
"Frosty the Snowman" trivia notes
12-21-05 12:06 pm
2 Replies, 21 Views
Mr Duchane is quite the bargain
12-21-05 12:03 pm
22 Replies, 197 Views
"Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer" trivia...
12-21-05 11:55 am
5 Replies, 52 Views
Liaison changes. Who got what
12-21-05 10:18 am
12 Replies, 193 Views
Prisons - What should the prisoners be doing?
12-21-05 9:41 am
9 Replies, 85 Views
Tap tap tap.....
12-20-05 5:27 pm
18 Replies, 195 Views
Yay for the Lincoln Park Historical Museum and...
12-20-05 5:09 pm
2 Replies, 41 Views
2005 Christmas Display Awards
12-20-05 3:25 pm
0 Replies, 42 Views
The longest thread ever.....can we do it?
12-20-05 3:02 pm
2,808 Replies, 10,969 Views