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Federal Update: Legislation Introduced Abolishing Cable Franchises, Cell Tower Zoning
Legislation Introduced Abolishing Cable Franchises, Cell Tower Zoning – On July 27, U.S. Senators John Ensign and John McCain introduced the Ensign/McCain Broadband Investment and Consumer Choice Act, which among other things, abolishes cable franchising; reduces cable franchise fees, may grant video providers the right to use public rights of way in perpetuity; would abolish all zoning of cellular towers and apparently eliminate telephone franchises and fees and attempts to prevent governments from providing the public with communication service.
Municipalities must act promptly by contacting their legislators to voice opposition to this bill. If this bill is passed, it will likely cost Michigan communities $100 million per year in lost revenues from cable and telephone companies. For more information including copies of the bill and sample letters to use in writing Congress, please visit www.varnumlaw.com/cable/legislation.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Sometimes we must serve in order to lead" by Unknown |
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